The profile of HCMI presented in two phases
  1. A general overview of the ministries
  2. The Spiritual Core Value of HCMI                                                                                       

HCMI is not a church but a service institution destined for services to the nation of Liberia. It is an independent non denominational, non governmental, non political, non profit, and frontless establishment. HCMI is not a Church. However its approach at service to the nation is based on solid Christian and scriptural principle and practices.

HCMI has as its mission, rebuilding the waste places and broken walls of the desolated nation of Liberia.


1.  Repair— the broken (walls) lives of God’s people

2.  Restore--- the wasted years, dignity, glory and riches to the nation

3.  Recreate— bring into existence what has not been and create new parts to      dwell in.

4.  Renew – - the prospective and way of thinking and give new values and      purpose

    Inspiration for the birth of HCMI is drown from:
NEHEMIAH 1:3 “And they said unto me, the remnant that left of the captivity     there in the province are in great affliction and  reproach: the wall of  
also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire.”

2.  Amos 9.11” In that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen and     close up the breaches thereof, and I will raise up his ruins, and I will
    build it as in the days of old.

3.  Isaiah 58:12 “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places:     Thou shall rise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shall 
    be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in.”

Buchanan in the Grand Bassa county of Liberia shall be the seat of HCMI. With growth and expansion several other centers would be set up in various cities and counties all over the national territory as the need arise with coordination from the main center and headquarters in Buchanan.


HCM is an independent goodwill institution founded to convey God’s purpose for rebuilding the fallen walls of the nation of Liberia. Notwithstanding its independent nature, HCMI would be open to diligent cooperation with government departments, non governmental organizations, individuals and other institutions having the same mission and approach of rebuilding the broken walls of the desolated nation of Liberia. This in no way implies that HCMI would pay allegiance to any collaborator whosoever they may be.

Many objectives are embedded in the inspirations ushering the formation of HCMI. The basic and outstanding objectives include:

  1. To rebuild the fallen walls of the desolated nation of Liberia
  2. To sensitize, create awareness and educate.
  3. To raise God fearing and morally upright people and standards.
  4. To counsel orientate, and re-orientate the disorientated.
  5. To build capacities and empower the nation of Liberia.
  6. To bring solace, hope, and reconciliation.

The following goals are foreseen if the objectives of HCMI are well understood and carried out:

  1. A beautiful and flourishing people and nation.
  2. God fearing, morally upright and responsible people.
  3. Educated and creative people with a sense of direction and purpose.
  4. Better and higher standards of living.
  5. Independent and self-sufficient people.
  6. Peace, satisfaction, and greater cooperation in the nation.
  7. Empowerment for all.
  8. Streets and communities free of vice and misery.

will achieve its ministration by fronting the broken walls and the desolation of Liberia from four main angles. Other fronts may crop up and be put to use with time. These four faces of approach shall be:

  1. Christian Spiritual Outreach.
  2. Education and Awareness Fronts.
  3. Social Welfare Schemes.
  4. Economic Empowerment Face.
  5. Other fronts as the need arises.

Owner of HCMI is Yahweh the Almighty God who inspired his servant pastor Isaac Bayflan (the executive President) to start this work. The ministries shall at all instances be geared towards services to humanity as directed by God. At all moments, HCMI shall be headed by a God fearing servant (ordained minister of God or Lay-faithful) who would lead a team of selfless servants (Missionaries and Lay-faithful) in the reconstruction program for Liberia

The fund and material resources of HCMI shall be drawn from the following sources:

  1. Monthly Subscriptions.
  2. Donations.
  3. Offerings.
  4. Aids.
  5. Gifts
  6. Special contribution by people of goodwill who belief in the cause.
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